SILENCE⑥ How to Observe Mauna

How to Observe Mauna






   欲望を減らしなさい。食事のメニューまたはレジメ、および食事を提供する時間については、事前に出席者と手配する必要があります。食事を頻繁に変更することは避け、食事のさまざまな項目について常に考えてください。 自分の部屋の掃除やその他の日常業務に自分で注意を払う必要があります。シェービング、靴の磨き、洗濯機によるリネンの洗浄についてはあまり気にしないでください。これらはすべて、神の思考の連続性を妨げます。 体、パン、あごひげをあまり考えないでください。 神やアートマンについてもっと考えてください。

Busy people should observe Mauna for at least one hour daily. If you can do for two hours daily, it is all the better. On Sunday, observe Mauna for six hours, or the whole day. People will not disturb you at that time. They will come to know that you observe Mauna at such and such hours. Your friends will not worry you. Your fimily members also will not truoble you. Utilise this period of Mauna in Japa and meditation. You must observe Mauna, go to a solitary place where your friends will not visit you.


  If you wish to observe Mauna, you should keep yourself perfectly occupied in Japa, meditation, and Mantra writing. You should not mix with others. You should not come out of your room frequently. The energy of speech should be sublimated into spiritual energy and utilized for meditation. Then you will enjoy serenity, calmness, peace, and inner spiritual strength.


During the period of Mauna, you should not read newspapers. Reading newspapers will bring in revival of worldly Samslaras and will disturb your peace of mind. Though you live in the Himalayas, you will be in the plains throughout the day. You will not be benefited much by observing Mauna,. Your meditation will be seriously disturbed.

   During Mauna, you should not write too many slips, or write on slate. or write on the forearm with your finger to express your thoughts to your neighbors. You should not laugh . These are all breaks in Mauna. There are all worse than talking.


Reduce your wants. You should previously arrange with those who attend on you for your menu or regimen of diet, and the time at which the food should be served. You should not frequently make changes in diet and think always of the different items of diet. You should yourself attend to the cleaning of your room and other ordinary daily duties. Do not bother much about your shaving , polishing the shoes, and washing of the linen by the washerman. All these will interfere with the continuity of divine thoughts. Do not think much of body, bread, and beard. Think more of god or Atman.


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be Healthy 心の底からの健康を探し求めて

『心の底からの健康』を探し求めて試行錯誤しています。 多くの人を心の底からの健康にしたくって。  心の底からの健康ってただ、風邪を引かない病気にならないとかではなく、もっと深くある精神的な安定がキーになってると思うの。 穏やかな精神は毎日の体に優しい食事が作り上げます。 そぅ、食と精神は繋がりがあるの。 もちろん病気も防げる。 これを通じて世界平和へつながったらどんなに良いことか。