SILENCE ⑦  Some Special Hints.

Some Special Hints.






 もし長い時間マウナを守ることが難しいと見つけたなら、もしジャパと瞑想の時間を利用しない場合はすぐに中止してください。喋ることのエナジーがコントロールされない時はスピーチのエネルギーがスピリチュアルな追求で適切に制御および利用されていない場合、完全に昇華されていない場合、暴動を起こし、フーフーの音の形で現れたり爆発したり、さまざまな種類のジェスチャーを叫び、さまざまなプロファイリングを行います 。 これらのジェスチャーの展示などでは、通常の会話よりもエネルギーの損失が多くなります。



When you take a vow of silence, never assert from within very often, “I won’t talk.” This will produce a little heat in the brain, because the mind wants to revenge on you. Simply, once make a determination and then remain quiet. Attend to other affairs. Do not be thinking always, “I won’t talk. I won’t talk”


 In the beginning , when you observe Mauna, you will find some difficulty. There will be a sever attack of Vrittis. Various kinds of thoughts will arise and force you to break the silence. These are all vain imaginations and deceptions of the mind. Be bold. Concentrate all energies on God. Make the mind fully occupied. The desire for talk and company will die. You will get peace.

The practice of Mauna should be gradual or you will not be able to observe

all of a sudden Mauna for ten or fifteen days. Those who are in the habit of observing Mauna daily for two or three hours, or twenty-for hours on holidays, will be able to observe Mauna for a week or fifteen days. You should clearly understand the value of Mauna. Observe Mauna for two hours daily, gradually increase it to six hours , twenty-four hours, two days, one week, and so on.

If you find it difficult to observe Mauna for a long time and if you do not utilize the time in Jap and meditation, break it at once. When the energy of speech is not controlled and utilized properly in spiritual pursuit, when it is not perfectly sublimated, it runs riot and manifests or bursts out in the form of hu-hu-hu sounds , shouting various sorts of gestures, and profiling various sounds. There is more loss of energy by exhibition of these gestures, etc., than by ordinary talking.


You should fell that you would derive much benefit form observing Mauna and experience much peace, inner strength, and joy. Then only you will take pleasure in observing Mauna. Then only you will not attempt to speak a word even. Forced Mauna simply to imitate, or from compulsion, will make you restless and gloomy. Forced Mauna is only wrestling with the mind. It is an effort. Mauna should come of itself. It must be natural. If you live in truth, mauna will come of itself. Then only will there be absolute peace.

Long Mauna and kashtha Mauna for a long period are not necessary. Mauna for protracted period in an unregenerate and undeveloped aspirant does harm.



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be Healthy 心の底からの健康を探し求めて

『心の底からの健康』を探し求めて試行錯誤しています。 多くの人を心の底からの健康にしたくって。  心の底からの健康ってただ、風邪を引かない病気にならないとかではなく、もっと深くある精神的な安定がキーになってると思うの。 穏やかな精神は毎日の体に優しい食事が作り上げます。 そぅ、食と精神は繋がりがあるの。 もちろん病気も防げる。 これを通じて世界平和へつながったらどんなに良いことか。