MUSIC③ The Power of Music

The Power of Music 音楽の力

 音は最初の絶対的な現れです。超音速の魂の力で溢れた音は全ての創造において、他の全ての兆候に広く影響を与え、効果的に制御する1つの強力な原則です。多くの例は、個人と宇宙の両方に関するこの音の主張を 証言するために引用することができます。



 我々もまた、鹿はどのようにして甘い音によって罠に掛かるか,コブラは甘い音楽に魅了されるか聞いたことがあります。ラーガ プンナガヴァラリ(インドの伝統的な曲)はコブラを引きつけます。ナダ(神秘的な音楽)はマインドを 封じ込めます。マインドは甘い神秘的な音楽にラヤ(吸収・同化)を得ます。





 Sound is the first manifestation of the absolute. Supercharged with transcendent soul-force, sound is , in all creation, the one powerful principle that widely influences and effectively brings under control all other manifestations. Many examples can be quoted to bear testimony to this claim of sound with reference to both the individual and the cosmos.

 We have heard how Tansen was able to make it rain through the Megah Raga, how he lighted the lamp through singing in Dipaka Raga . There are , again, certain accounts relating to the Tibetan Lamas, which tell us how the Lamas drove away and dispersed rain-bearing clouds, or gathered the clouds and made them rain by blowing the horns and trumpets and beating the drums. 

 We have also heard how the deer is entrapped by sweet sound, how the cobra is enchanted by sweet music. Raga Punnagavarali charms the cobra . Nada entraps the mind. The mind gets Laya in sweet Nada. 

 Mark the power of gentle, sweet sounds: sa, ri ,ga, ma, pa ,dha, ni ,Sa. Music has charms to soothe a ferocious tiger. It melts rocks and bends the banyan tree. It enraptures, lulls, and energies. It elevates inspires, strengthens and invigorates. It vibrates in the memory, It cures incurable diseases.

 Music fills the mind with Sattva. Music generated harmony in the heart. Music melts the hardest heart. Music softens the brutal nature of man.

 Music comforts, soothes and cheers up people when they are afflicted. It comforts the lonely and the distressed. Music removes worries, cares and anxieties. It makes you forget the world. Man wants music to relax and elevate him.

 The devotee sits with his Ektar Tambura to melt his mind in his Lord in silence. Narada Rishi romas about in the three worlds with his Tambura in his hand, singing Sriman Narayana Narayana. Music hepls the devotee to commune with the Lord. It makes the mind one-pointed quickly. Music brings Bhava Samadhi.Tyagaraja, Purandara Das, Mira and Tukaram have all realised God through music.


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be Healthy 心の底からの健康を探し求めて

『心の底からの健康』を探し求めて試行錯誤しています。 多くの人を心の底からの健康にしたくって。  心の底からの健康ってただ、風邪を引かない病気にならないとかではなく、もっと深くある精神的な安定がキーになってると思うの。 穏やかな精神は毎日の体に優しい食事が作り上げます。 そぅ、食と精神は繋がりがあるの。 もちろん病気も防げる。 これを通じて世界平和へつながったらどんなに良いことか。