SILENCE⑧ Discipline of Speech

Discipline of speech






 Try to become a man of measured words. Strictly avoid long talk, big talk, tall talk, all unnecessary talk, all sorts of vain debates and discussions, etc., and withdraw yourself from society as much as possible. This itself is Mauna. To talk profusely for six months and to observe Mauna for the rest of the year are of no avail.


Watch every word. This is the greatest discipline. Words are great forces. Use them carefully. Control your speech. Do not allow the tongue to run riot . Control the words before they pass over to your lips. Speak little . Learn to be silent.


High-sounding words cause exhaustion of the tongue, it is mere weariness of speech. Use simple words and conserve energy. Conserve speech for the praise of God. Devote more and more of your time for an inward life of meditation, reflection, and Atma-chintana.


Purify the mind and meditate. Be still, and know that you are God. Calm the mind . Silence the bubbling thoughts and surging emotions. Plunge deep into the innermost recess of your heart and enjoy the magnanimous Silence. Mysterious is this Silence. Enter into Silence. Know that Silence. Become Silence itself. Become a Maha Mauna. Realise God now and here.



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be Healthy 心の底からの健康を探し求めて

『心の底からの健康』を探し求めて試行錯誤しています。 多くの人を心の底からの健康にしたくって。  心の底からの健康ってただ、風邪を引かない病気にならないとかではなく、もっと深くある精神的な安定がキーになってると思うの。 穏やかな精神は毎日の体に優しい食事が作り上げます。 そぅ、食と精神は繋がりがあるの。 もちろん病気も防げる。 これを通じて世界平和へつながったらどんなに良いことか。