Silence④ The organ of Speech

The organ of Speech.







  ヴァグ-インドリヤを通じて心から何かが出てくることを許してはなりません。マウナを尊守しなさい。これは貴方を助けます。これで、大きな妨害源を遮断できました。 Van-Indriyaをチェックすると、目と耳も簡単に制御できます。Van-indriyaを制御する場合、すでに半分の心を制御しています。

The Van-indriya or the organ of speech is a strong weapon of Maya to deluge the Jivas and to distract the mind. Talkative people cannot enjoy peace of mind. Miscellaneous talking is a very bad habit. It distracts the mind. It keeps the mind always outgoing and makes a man unspiritual.

 Quarrels, disputes, etc., occur through the play or mischief of this turbulent Van-indriya. There is a sword in the tongue. words are like arrows. They injure the feelings of others.

 Ladies of the house are very talkative. They always create some kind of noise in the house. Mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law can not keep quiet even for a second. Some kind of smoke or friction will be coming out of the house.

 The study of Sanskrit makes some persons very talkative and forces them to enter into unnecessary discussions with others to show their scholarly erudition. Pedantry or vain display of learning is a special attribute of some Sanskrit scholars.

  The Van-Indriya is very mischievous, troublesome, turbulent, and impetuous. It must be steadily and gradually controlled. When you begin to check it, it will try to rebound on you. You must be bold and courageous.

  Do not allow anything to come out from the mind through the Van-Indriya. Observe Mauna. This will felp you. Now you have shut out a big source of disturbance. If the Van-Indriya is checked, the eyes and ears also can come easily under control. If you control the Van-indriya, you have already controlled half the mind.


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be Healthy 心の底からの健康を探し求めて

『心の底からの健康』を探し求めて試行錯誤しています。 多くの人を心の底からの健康にしたくって。  心の底からの健康ってただ、風邪を引かない病気にならないとかではなく、もっと深くある精神的な安定がキーになってると思うの。 穏やかな精神は毎日の体に優しい食事が作り上げます。 そぅ、食と精神は繋がりがあるの。 もちろん病気も防げる。 これを通じて世界平和へつながったらどんなに良いことか。